Mar 27th, 2024

What Is Static Testing? All you need to know.

Piyush Rahate
Piyush Rahate

A passionate Lean-Agile Coach with over 15 years of varied experience, I work with professionals, t... Read more

As a tester, nothing is more frustrating than discovering critical bugs or defects after deploying code to production. All that effort going into testing and QA, yet issues still slip through the cracks. This leads to unhappy customers, missed deadlines, costly rework, and a hit to your company's reputation.

Teams face intense pressure to rapidly ship new features and updates. But they can't afford to sacrifice quality and stability. 

Releasing buggy code risks frustrating users and destroying brand trust. This conflict between speed and quality is where static testing becomes invaluable. 

Implementing robust static testing needs to be a top priority for any team striving to build better software through more stable, scalable, and secure practices. It's the ultimate "stitch in time" that saves tremendous pain and rework later on.

This blog will discuss static testing and how it will help organizations and teams improve software quality. Let's dive in!

What Is Static Testing?

Static testing is a methodology for examining a software application without running the code itself. It occurs in the initial stages of development, aiming to pinpoint issues in project documents through various methods such as reviews, walkthroughs, and inspections.

Why is Static Testing required?

In the realm of software development, ensuring the reliability and quality of the final product is paramount. To achieve this, a multi-faceted testing approach is employed throughout the development lifecycle.

One integral aspect of this approach is static testing. Unlike dynamic testing, which involves executing code, static testing is a proactive examination of software artifacts, such as code, design documents, and requirements, before any execution occurs.

As a result of static testing, issues are identified and rectified early on, preventing the escalation to later, more expensive stages. In addition to producing robust code, this practice fosters team collaboration, adherence to coding standards, and high-quality software delivery.

  1. Finding Bugs Early: Imagine you're building a house. Static testing is like inspecting the architectural plans before construction begins. By catching mistakes early, you prevent potential disasters. In software development, static testing helps identify issues before executing the code. It saves time and resources.

  1. Cost Savings and Improved Quality: It's usually quicker and cheaper to fix problems during the initial stages of development than to address them later. Static testing delivers high-quality software. It ensures the code is well-structured, adheres to standards, and is easier to maintain.

  1. Improving Software Quality: It delivers a higher-quality end product. This ensures the code is well-structured and adheres to standards. It also makes the code easier to maintain.

What are the Types of Static Testing?

Think of static testing like a superhero with two sidekicks—reviews and analysis. The first sidekick, reviews, involves looking closely at the plans (code and documents) to catch any problems. 

The second sidekick, analysis tools, is like a computer helper that automatically checks the code for mistakes. Together, they make sure our software is solid and reliable. 

Now, let's dive into how these superhero helpers work to make our software the best it can be.

Review Process

The primary aim of reviews is to detect defects and improve the quality of software artifacts. This includes finding code errors. It also involves uncovering design document inconsistencies. Additionally, it ensures that the overall product aligns with requirements.

  • Formal Inspections are a structured and organized process. A group of people carefully examines the software documents or code. This is usually led by a moderator who guides the review.

  • Walkthroughs, team members go through software documents or code step by step. They do this to understand the content and identify potential issues. It's a less formal approach compared to inspections.

  • Technical Reviews are in-depth evaluations conducted by experts. They ensure that the software meets technical requirements and standards.

Static Analysis

Static analysis aims to identify issues in the code automatically without running the program. This includes checking for adherence to coding standards. It also involves looking for potential security vulnerabilities and other common programming mistakes.

  • Automated Tools: Specialized software tools analyze the code without executing it. These tools can check for syntax errors. They can also check for adherence to coding standards and potential vulnerabilities.

  • Check the coding standards to ensure the code follows established guidelines and standards. These guidelines and standards are for consistency, readability, and best practices.

  • Identifying Vulnerabilities: These tools focus on finding security vulnerabilities in the code. They help to address potential risks early in the development process.

These types of static testing are crucial for improving software quality. They catch errors and issues early in the development lifecycle. Combining review processes and static analysis provides a comprehensive approach to static testing.

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Step-By-Step Process To Perform Static Testing

Performing static testing involves carefully examining software artifacts without executing the code. Here is a step-by-step guide on how static testing is typically performed:

1. Define Scope and Objectives

  • Clearly outline what aspects of the software will undergo static testing. This includes source code, design documents, and requirements.

  • Establish specific objectives, such as finding defects, ensuring adherence to coding standards, and enhancing overall software quality.

2. Select Review Team

  • Assemble a review team with diverse expertise, including developers, testers, architects, and relevant stakeholders.

  • Tailor the team composition based on the artifacts being reviewed.

3. Choose Review Method

  • Determine the review method based on the objectives and nature of the artifacts.

  • Common methods include formal inspections, walkthroughs, technical reviews, and informal ad hoc reviews.

4. Prepare for the Review

  • Ensure all team members have access to the necessary materials, including source code and documentation.

  • Provide sufficient time for team members to familiarize themselves with the materials.

5. Code Review (for Source Code)

  • Examine the source code line by line, focusing on clarity, adherence to coding standards, variable naming conventions, and logical correctness.

  • Use collaborative tools for discussions and in-person meetings if needed.

6. Document Review (for Design Documents or Requirements)

  • Examine design documents or requirements to ensure clarity, completeness, and alignment with project goals.

  • Look for inconsistencies, missing details, and potential improvements, conducting discussions to clarify any ambiguities.

7. Static Analysis

  • Utilize automated tools such as linters and static analysis tools to scan the code for syntax errors, coding standard violations, potential bugs, and security vulnerabilities.

  • Configure tools according to project-specific rules and standards.

8. Collect and Document Findings

  • Record identified defects, suggestions for improvements, and any noteworthy observations.

  • Create comprehensive documentation, serving as a valuable reference for corrective actions and future development efforts.

9. Address Findings

  • Collaborate with the development team to address the identified findings promptly.

  • Correct defects, enhance code clarity, and align with coding standards.

10. Iterate as Necessary

  • Depending on project requirements and the development lifecycle, perform static testing iteratively to ensure ongoing quality improvement.

Best Practices for Effective Static Testing

  • 1Define Clear Objectives: Define the goals and objectives of static testing. Well-defined objectives guide the testing process. They help find defects, ensure coding standards compliance, and improve overall software quality. For example, Imagine you're building a robot. Before assembling the parts, check each piece to ensure they fit.
  • 2Involve Diverse Team Members: Assemble a diverse team with different roles and expertise. Including developers, testers, architects, and other stakeholders ensures a comprehensive review from various perspectives. For example, planning a party is like this. You want a mix of friends who know about music, food, and decorations to make it awesome.
  • 3Start early in the lifecycle: Initiate static testing activities early in the development process to catch issues at the source. This reduces downstream costs. Before writing the code, conduct a design document review. Make sure the planned features align with user requirements. Ensure the design is clear and comprehensive.
  • 4Select Appropriate Review Methods: Choose the right review method based on the nature of the software artifacts. For a critical piece of code, choose a formal code inspection. During an inspection, team members review each line for correctness. They also check for adherence to coding standards and potential improvements. They do this systematically.
  • 5Use Collaborative Tools: Utilize collaborative tools to facilitate communication and documentation during reviews. Example: Use an online code review tool. Developers can comment on specific lines of code. They can discuss issues and suggest improvements in a centralized, collaborative environment.
  • 6Establish Coding Standards: Define and enforce coding standards within the development team. This ensures consistency and readability. Example: Specify that all team members must follow coding conventions. These include indentation styles, naming conventions, and documentation practices.
  • 7Leverage Automated Static Analysis Tools: Integrate automated tools like linters and static analyzers into the development process. This allows for efficient and consistent code analysis. Example: Use a static analysis tool. It automatically scans the codebase for potential vulnerabilities, security issues, and adherence to coding standards.
  • 8Provide Training and Guidelines: Offer training sessions and guidelines to team members participating in static testing. For example, Conduct a workshop on effective code-reviewing techniques. Emphasize best practices, common pitfalls to avoid, and the importance of constructive feedback.
  • 9Document Findings: Clearly document the findings of static testing for reference and corrective actions. For example, Create a review report. Summarize the issues identified. Suggest improvements. Document decisions made during a design document review. This report will serve for future reference and continuous improvement.
  • 10Encourage Open Communication: During static testing, foster open communication. Encourage team members to express their opinions and concerns. For example, During a code review, create an atmosphere. Make developers feel comfortable discussing code changes. Encourage them to ask questions and share their insights with the team.

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Static testing is like having a trusted ally in software development. It's not just about finding mistakes; it's about ensuring quality software. By catching errors early, static testing saves time and money, making our code stronger and more reliable. It's an investment in quality that pays off in the long run. So, let's embrace static testing as a key part of our development process. With its help, we can deliver software that surpasses expectations, all while saving costs, reducing development time, and ensuring top-notch quality.


Static testing is typically performed by a dedicated team or individuals with relevant expertise in the software development process. The team can include various roles, such as:

  • Developers: They are involved in reviewing their code or their peers.

  • Testers: Dedicated testing professionals who evaluate software artifacts for quality and compliance.

  • Architects: Individuals with a broader perspective on the project's design and structure, ensuring alignment with architectural principles.

  • Stakeholders: Project managers, business analysts, or other relevant stakeholders may contribute their insights during static testing.

The composition of the static testing team can vary based on the nature of the artifacts being reviewed and the specific objectives of the testing process. The collaborative effort of individuals with different roles and perspectives enhances the thoroughness and effectiveness of static testing.


In static testing, the reader examines software artifacts like code or documents, looking for mistakes, ensuring clarity, and checking adherence to standards. They provide feedback and collaborate with the team to improve overall software quality.

Static testing tools such as SourceMeter can analyze code in C, C++, Java, C#, and Python. It can also be integrated with other static testing tools, such as PMD and FindBugs. Static code testing is also available in PyCharm, a Python-based development environment.

Scribes are also known as recorders. It is the scribe's responsibility to record each defect and any suggestions for process improvement during the logging meeting. The scribe is responsible for logging each defect found during the review.

Piyush Rahate

A passionate Lean-Agile Coach with over 15 years of varied experience, I work with professionals, teams and organizations helping them in their pursuit of agility. Being a Professional Scrum Trainer (Scrum.org), SPC (5.0, Scaled Agile), and ICAgile Authorized Instructor.

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